Category: garden

  • Finally, JAM!

    I finally had a chance to use the lovely jam pot my parents bought me on their last trip to France: forged in a shop hundreds of years old, copper with steel (I think) handles. Don’t the plums from our tree look lovely in it?

    First jam of 2009
    First jam of 2009

    And here is a shot from the middle of the batch:

    slow boil
    slow boil

    And at the end, you can see the color coming through the bubbles. This pot kept the jam completely warm until I got it inside (was cooking outside on the Coleman stove my father got me for my last birthday). You can also see how much the plums decreased in volume.

    reduced and jelling nicely
    reduced and jelling nicely

    Last but not least, one shot of the “What’s in the Garden” Jam we made — plums, peaches, white currants, blackberries and blueberries. All from our garden, picked this morning. Tastes pretty good, too!

    Mixed Jam
    Mixed Jam

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