Category: garden

  • Snow. Again. ARGH!

    This is what was outside my front door yesterday, such lovely little daffodils. They’re about 4″ tall, they herald the arrival of the bigger ones. You can see the pink hybrid hyacinths are getting ready to bloom in the lower right corner.
    4 inch daffys emerge from leaf litter

    And last night, we had some visitors, sorry about the quality of this, didn’t want to use the flash and too dangerous to open the door with them not eight feet away. Don’t let the cute faces fool you. These critters are vicious.
    raccoons search for grubs and worms

    And finally, the reason the header for the website is back to the wintry one…

    If I sound a little peeved, I am! By this time in the year, I often have a few starts planted in the garden already. I have packets of seeds ready to go in at the end of the month and at least some of the space in the veggies and flower gardens is clear and ready to go. Most years we manage to get a few potatoes in the ground by now! But this year, with all the snow, and rain on the weekends, none of the garden is ready for planting. I shall be late getting things started, but perhaps we’ll have a longer summer on the other end of the season.

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