Category: garden

  • And… MORE SNOW!

    Woke up this morning about 9 am… (yes, I love sleeping in) and found the snow up to about 6 inches at the doors (last night there was none).

    Here are some pics of the view from the front door this morning before it started snowing again.

    You can compare them with the view from the header bar… and yes, I was able to move the car once we put chains on yesterday morning. But she’s going nowhere today!

    the car is snowed in
    the car is snowed in

    buildup on a planter and on the quince tree
    buildup on a planter and on the quince tree

    icicles next to the front door -- about 20 inches long
    icicles next to the front door — about 20 inches long

    I hope you are warm and safe this solstice day — with luck, the returning light will bring us all good fortune!

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