Category: garden

  • A quick view of the garden

    I wanted to give you a snapshot of some of the nicer things in my yard this time of year. Now, I am NOT showing you the sad-looking roses the deer got to, nor the overgrown former flowerbeds near the driveway, nor the mess of construction debris (from last year) still sitting in the driveway. No, in this imaginary garden, only the pretty, nice things exist…

    The entry garden, with the bright red geraniumns set off by the yellow zinnias and a single yellow wood poppy.

    from my garden

    A view of the unmowed “orchard” with my lucky dog looking for the deer that sleep under the trees…

    orchard and dog

    The dahlias on top of the mound…

    dahlias, not as full as usual this time of year

    The blueberries! Ripe and sweet… mmmmmm

    yummy berries

    And my pirate kid, who took these lovely pics (and who, though tall, does not actually scrape the ceiling when indoors).

    pirate kid

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