Category: garden

  • Just for Pretty

    I try to plan my garden and yard with a mind toward utility of some kind. Though we don’t grow even 1/10th of the food we need, I wanted most of the plants to be something that would show my kids what REAL FOOD looks like. I want them to know what is involved in getting the food to their table. So Most of the shrubs, trees and other plants are edible, either for humans or critters.

    However, there is a sort of utility in plants that are just for show as well. And so I have roses, daffodils (entirely opposite edible!), my new magnolia…

    Here is slightly altered picture of a dogwood blooming in my parents’ yard. Just for pretty — and for the memory of the dear friend who gave it to them before she died.

    On a slightly different note, yesterday was a record high in Seattle and Olympia. Both cities hit 85 degrees F. Though we are outside the city, it was still too warm for me to do much in the yard. Hope the more seasonal, cool and overcast, weather of today will last a while, my plants (both edible and otherwise) prefer it.

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