Category: garden

  • A good idea…

    And one that has been a long time coming.

    This pergola is one my father has spent the last several months planning and building. Actually, closer to a year. First the old stumps (this is where several large fir trees used to stand) had to be ground down, then the area was leveled. Then he designed and built the pergola. He has just finished the lathwork, and I think it looks wonderful.

    The little planting areas in front of it are lovely and as they fill in over time this will make for a lovely seating area and focal point as people approach their house, which is on the right. A small parking space is just to the left of this photo. They have a very narrow lot, only about 50 feet wide here, but there is so much possibility, even in this small space!

    The house in the background is the neighbors’ — it was just sold, not sure what the new people will be like. They will be only the third owners of that property in my lifetime!

    There is an apple tree which doesn’t show up very well in this picture, and they have planted several small shrubs and flowering plants, a redbud (or possibly sourwood, can’t remember which was planted here) in the planting mound on the left, and a nice pieris between the pergola and the parking area. A grape is planted and will climb up the pole which carries the power line to the house. I have two clematis waiting to be placed so they will twine up the pergola. Red flowers on one, white on the other.

    I really love the flower he made for the back of the pergola. It is happy and simple, and the colors are so cheery even on gray rainy days.

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