Category: garden

  • Garden Walk

    Today in the garden, the pear tree is in bloom, the apple trees are just starting to break their buds, the blossoms on the asian pears (large white bells ringing softly in the wind) are stark white and the clusters on the elderberries, conical and creamy, back up the tall lilac, conical and deep violet. The bright yellow japanese kerria adds punch across the driveway, makes it sunny even on this overcast, gloomy afternoon. Its color is repeated in the centers of the otherwise sober maroon primroses under the lilac… peach-colored tulips are blooming near the orchard, dark purple dwarf iris beginning to emerge in borders that need tending, spears of asparagus pushing up through soft dirt.

    Life. Growth. Love.

    It’s all here.

    In my garden.

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