Category: garden

  • Planting

    I did a little planting today, just the pansies and violas my mother got me last weekend, and a little fuchsia (that I thought had died but had growth buds near the base — a close shave for that one!). I put three violas and one pansy near the fig in the front, between the bunny statues. I put the fuchsia in the ground in the shade of the medlar where no bulbs were coming up, and planted the other pansy and violas in that clay pot, which now graces the front steps. And of course I managed to pull just a few weeds…

    I really wanted to do more, but I am so worried about bringing back the five-day migraine that I stopped. Tomorrow it may rain, but soon enough it will be dry again and I can do more. And even in the rain there are a few pruning tasks I can still do, and some planters I can fill with potting soil and plant lettuces in. So this weekend, if nothing else interferes, I hope to be out again, enjoying the fresh smells and the cheerful birds and squirrels.

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