Category: garden

  • Today in the Garden

    The bees are out in force. Here is a link to a short video of bees on the medlar (about 38 seconds long). The bees are LOADED with pollen on their back legs. The sound when standing near the medlar is mesmerizing.

    At the very end, you can see a tiny jumping spider that hitched a ride, a lovely little black and white lady.

    The bees have also been active in the lupines, the strawberries and the thimbleberries.

    I didn’t take a picture of the lupines, the strawberries, the plum or the clematis (which I partially unwound and retrained to start going up the trellis) today. If I am home tomorrow and it isn’t raining, I will take pictures then. There are a lot of plums already nearly an inch long, and the lupines (which really should have been moved or removed last year) are always fascinating because of the naturally-occurring variations in the blooms.

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