Category: garden

  • Updates: Garden and Life

    It was a very wet week. Apparently we have already surpassed, halfway through the month, the previous record rainfall for the entire month. I had an unexpected chance to sub for a friend on Friday, and it went from raining sideways to full sun in half an hour. Yesterday was similarly wet, rainy-snowy-haily alternating with dry spells. Today, mostly dry and at the end sunny!

    The garden is slowly returning to life. I didn’t get pics in the front yard today, but I caught a few in the back. Check out this years’ first glimpse of unfurling trilliums!




    And a couple of others: shelf fungus under the bat house, huckleberry and ferns reclaiming cedar stumps.



    Tonight we are dining on potatoes, leftovers, fresh veggies. Our last winter grocery box pickup was today. There is a lovely hazelnut pie for the fellows’ dessert, bread, crackers, and delicious veggies from kale to carrots. I have so enjoyed our monthly packages of lovely treats! Now looking forward to the opening of the farmer’s market and the weekly fruit truck at Madrona Grove.

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