Went to the house again today, and what a difference a couple days makes!

When we were done with this, we went into town and got sample quarts of five paint colors: three different blues, a white and a lovely golden brown. I’ll go out tomorrow and paint some scrap lumber so we can see how it looks in larger blocks.
We were going to look at the gas fireplaces again, but couldn’t get hold of the store to see if the person we have been working with was there. And the plumbing supply company we need to go to isn’t open on Saturday (a problem when contractors’ customers work during the week…).
I spent a number of hours grading papers. I will grade more this evening.
But I am really excited about the house this evening. Inside, it looks like a real house finally. I can see how high the ceilings will really be, and judge the spaces a lot better now. It’s going to be very livable. And surprisingly, with ceilings lower and the height of the living room ceiling clearly marked, the rooms feel “bigger” — perhaps because I am no longer able to directly compare their size with the great outdoors?
A quick pic of the living room:

We were able to make a few more decisions about skylight and sola tube placement, and think we can eliminate one light fixture (the decorative one in the hall) for now. And I am getting closer to finalizing decisions about lighting elsewhere… It’s going to be a busy, fun couple of months.