Category: Gardens and Life

  • Significant Progress

    We have a roof. And dormers.

    A roof. And soon, maybe by the end of this month (if things can dry out enough) ceilings. Definitely before the winter vacation. And then… then things will start being crazy-busy with all the inside tasks: lights, cabinets, trim, painting…

    I took a few pictures this morning before I went to school. Yes, I drove out to my home, and then all the way back in, just to see the progress George and George made since Monday (our framers have an easy way for me to remember their names, did you figure it out?).

    Here’s the gist of it, unlabeled photos just so I can get something up. I hate to leave my amazing readers hanging! Sorry they are a bit blurry — my cell phone has good picture-capacity, but without a flash and in my haste… (more…)

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