Category: Gardens and Life


    I stopped by this afternoon, curious what might be done in just two days.

    Walls. One window (my window) in place. More windows, and doors, ready to go in. A couple more walls (between the living room and the garage, and the utility room walls and the house’s interior walls… And soon a roof.

    2013-10-22 16.09.36

    Me.  Inside!  Behind me is the garage, and over my shoulder the opening for the sliding door to the (eventual) deck.
    Me. Inside! Behind me is the garage, and over my shoulder the opening for the sliding door to the (eventual) deck.
    The living room window bump-out...  the chair I am sitting in for the other picture.  The bump-out is about 14 feet wide and 2 feet deep.  I can see my entry garden from here...
    The living room window bump-out… the chair I am sitting in for the other picture. The bump-out is about 14 feet wide and 2 feet deep. I can see my entry garden from here…

    I sat there for about 15 minutes, enjoying the sun, the peace, the solitude. I am coping with the city living, but I am ready – SO ready – to get home.

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