Category: Gardens and Life

  • Taking shape: House construction!

    I haven’t made it home in a couple of days. Hoping there is progress beyond the verbal agreements and discussions we had with Jon-the-Plumber and Oivind-the-Overseer (which I will call him just for alliterative purposes, he is a nice man), and Jeremiah… and and and. Here are decisions we have made: recycled glass for the “fill” …

    Making a lot of decisions about our kitchen. For example, the countertops for the perimeter will likely be Formica 180fx “Golden Mascarello” and the cabinets will be Waypoint 410 style in natural maple.

    All doors and molding will be “Newport Cherry” color — still trying to find a reliable example of it online.

    Still trying to finalize wall/ceiling color and floor colors, leaning toward either a light cream or dove gray for the paint, and a light brown/amber for the floors.

    Also, working on the master bath: curbless shower needs to know how it will be “dressed:” tile, fiberglass skin, other? Need to decide on how the drain will work, how to get the floor to tilt toward the drain (harder to do with a concrete slab), and the best way to transition from shower space to the rest of the bathroom and then into the master bedroom. I am considering a small transition strip to keep water from the designated “wet” area of tub and shower segregated from the rest of the space. It will be interesting.

    Also-also: need to pin down fixtures for the kitchen and bath rooms. Lighting (appointment with Tim at Olympia Lighting on Weds to discuss lighting plan). And… I am sure there are so many things I am not remembering this late in the day.

    A bonus, today I bought 19 books. 18 at state surplus (a set of 7 identical at reading level of grade 4 – 5), and one at the hardware store (on tiling, see above discussion of shower decisions).

    So, I haven’t made it home in a couple of days, but home is rarely far from my thoughts. I am focusing as much as I can on the design and functional decisions so I can make the fewest number of change orders once work actually starts. After going over the design for the kitchen island yesterday, now I am thinking about one small change I would make… easily altered. Window placements I am not mucking with. Doors, ditto. Bathroom base layouts, still looking good to me.

    In the wake of the fire, people kept talking about how great it was that I would get my “dream home.” It won’t be that, but I am now to the point where I believe our new home will be very functional, comfortable, and even pretty. I am worried still about some of the details coming together, but overall I believe we will be just fine.

    My plants… I’ll deal with those another time.

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