Category: Gardens and Life

  • Yesterday, it snowed. Today…

    It is raining today. Quite windy at times, but the dominant feature is rain. Steady rain, driving rain, blowing rain, rain mixed with snow, rain that pelts in hard drops, rain rain rain.

    Since I don’t have waterproof cameras, I haven’t taken any pics today. Maybe tomorrow…

    But yesterday, which was a 2-hour late start for the kiddo, I snapped two pics of the front yard.

    A dusting of snow on the driveway, seen through the bare medlar branches

    Nearly an inch on the cars, the difficult part was the layers of crusty ice between fluffy but crunchy snow

    The snow wasn’t a lot, but there was ice in layers as the temperatures at our elevation (all of about 50 feet above sea level) had fluctuated near freezing all night. Scraping the car windows was a “treat” I could have done without! Luckily, at least on our peninsula, the sun shone most of the day so by evening the roads were clear and so were the lawns.

    I suspect we’ll have more snow, the kind that really inconveniences us, in another month or so. Meantime, I really should locate my heavy-duty rubber boots!

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