Category: Gardens and Life

  • Two Days in the Garden

    More garden progress, and activities, and fun!

    Yesterday (Tuesday) we kid-sat for my friend Reyna. Her kids are a LOT of fun. I didn’t take pictures because we were so busy, but trust me. There doesn’t exist a cuter entering kindergartner or a more capable big brother. We played Bocce Ball, “Spy Alley” and watched Rocky & Bullwinkle as well as reading a story, digging in the garden for worms for the turtle and playing with Lucky. And harvesting (and eating immediately) the lovely red huckleberries in the back yard.

    We also wandered in the garden a bit. I wrapped the fabric I bought for the chair cushions around two of the smaller forms and safety-pinned them in place. I used an older pillow cover I made for the biggest cushion and put the chairs out in the garden.

    [Good pics of the chairs will have to come later, I apparently took pics of everything in the garden but the chairs! For the moment, the chairs are almost visible in the second photo below.]

    Today (Wednesday) we harvested enough plums to make jam tomorrow, put a few more sticks through the trellis to help the beans grow into the sun.

    Tom going for plums:

    Bean trellis:

    bean trellises with side view of chairs with cushions

    And then, in the evening…


    yes! the first carrots of the growing season.

    Finally, we got some sugar-pod peas that the deer had spared long enough for them to grow.

    And then Tom made stir-fry with our fresh veggies, kale and some left-overs. It was nice and simple. And very, very yummy.

    It was a good couple of days.

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