Category: Gardens and Life

  • Sunday: Garden furniture

    These are pics of the wicker rocking chair that I painted this weekend. I ended up using Rustoleum “Ultra Cover 2X” spray paint, because that is what the store I went to carried. Colors: Satin Strawflower and Satin Lagoon.

    After the yellow was on, I masked off those areas.

    Grant starts to apply the blue paint

    Then applied the blue:

    Finished chair

    Not bad, eh?

    There are a couple things that I could have done better, but to be honest this is “good enough” for now. I want to put at least one coat of weather-proofing sealer on it and make a comfy outdoor cushion for the seat, too. Meantime, trying to decide where it should go. I think it would be really comfy in the little (former) sitting area in the orchard…

    Now that this chair looks so good, I think I will re-surface some of the other chairs. There are several that are barely useable that can have their lives extended with some careful thought. There are two that have “slats” missing (they are resin chairs, so can’t just replace them) that with a coat of paint, some superglue and seat cushions would be quite cute. And a couple others that might see a few extra years if I can protect them from the sun.

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