Category: Gardens and Life

  • Garden: Always more to do

    Some days more gets accomplished than others.

    Some days my strength fails long before the task is done.

    Some days it’s a two-person job and I am the only one available.

    But — more and more I finish the task I intended to do and a little more.

    Wednesday, it was weeding the potatoes and putting more soil over top to encourage more tubers. I also weeded the base of two of the blueberries that grow in the bog (only three to go) and harvested some white currents and gooseberries. And had time to visit with Mother for a couple hours.

    I am seeing more and more progress throughout the yard, though there are easily a dozen more “critical” tasks that need doing sooner than later. For example, weeding in the heather bed where grasses and buttercup have so overwhelmed the other plants that the heathers are no longer visible! And along the path to the garden, where the peach tree leaned over and needs straightening, and branches that fell in the winter need moving. And….

    But I am also trying to spend time writing (this week the blog), and doing things in the house as well (slowly clearing one small corner at a time).

    In fact, part of the nature of gardening is caring about one’s surroundings. When the yard is in order, the house should follow. The harmony of inside and outside (this is sounding very Zen, I think) reflects the state of one’s health and imagination. I think better when the garden is neat, and I get more done when the house is tidy. Similarly, when I am ill or distracted, both house and garden decline. When I begin to feel better, it is reflected in my surroundings. And when I begin to take care of my garden, the house soon follows, and my health improves also.

    Yesterday, I helped Mother make some currant jelly at her house. In the afternoon, we went to see the re-release of “Singing in the Rain” at the theater. I have wanted to see this favorite movie of mine on the big screen for as long as I can remember. It was Grant’s first time to see it, and I am glad he got to see it on the big screen, too. As a singing/dancing actor he got a lot out of it.

    Today is a mostly “at home” day for me, cooking, laundry, a little watering in the garden, some canning. My plan is to get the living room looking as good as the dining room has since Tuesday. I won’t get all the books and games organized, but I can at least “clear the decks” as Mother used to call it. And once the living room is truly cleared, it will be that much easier to sit and read — or work — or visit, as we wish.

    Here is a picture of the dining room, looking almost as if someone cares.

    dining table with pretty runner, sideboard and hutch dusted and straightened up

    It is time for the house and garden to begin reflecting health and abundance again.

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