Category: Gardens and Life

  • Today in the Garden

    Usually I post several pictures when I have this topic, but what I wanted to do was give a brief description of all that has been going on. I have started posts that will show up over the next few days. They will give better pictures of the whole yard and a better idea of all that we have been doing.

    There are still so many things that need doing in the house and for professional development — but for me, being outside now that it has finally been dry and sunny for many days in a row took precedence. I have more energy, I am more centered (and therefore more patient) and I am more optimistic when I have been in my garden.

    I still struggle with migraines at least once a week, but they are less toxic than they used to be. My hip still bothers me and I have to stop sooner than I like most of the time (although today the heat did that before the hip hurt), but I am working for longer periods of up to two hours, and several times a day now instead of once a day for thirty minutes the way I did a month ago.

    But today… today was almost a perfect gardening day. I woke up early (6:30) and after lazing around reading email and online news I was out and working by 7:15. Weeding, mostly. It was beautiful. Lucky stayed with me (I wish he were more aware of the distinction between garden path and plantings!) and chased his toy. The birds were waking up, the air was crisp and clear, the grass was moist with dew, and the moon was still up.

    I worked for over an hour, went inside to have breakfast, back out for almost an hour, drove a kid to town and picked up the other from town, worked in the garden another hour… finally I was able to take a nap, dress in nice clothes and relax for the last few hours of the day. It was very restorative.

    Here is a picture of the moon over the house, before it went down in the West. It was a good omen.

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