Category: Gardens and Life

  • Mothers in My Life

    I have one mother, whom I adore, and see as often as we can get together. Her mother, my beloved Granny, died a couple of years ago. My paternal grandmother, my Nana, died in 2001. I have many fond memories of both my grandmothers, and though we lived at a distance, we tried to visit them as often as possible.

    I found a few pictures from my Nana’s collection yesterday when I was going through a box and put them together in some pictures I snapped on my ipad.

    The first is Nana with Bert, my grandfather, probably taken in the late 1980s.

    The second is Granny, me, and Mother when I was in high school.

    The next is Nana on her 90th birthday with her two living children, me and my boys.

    The last one is of my two darling grandmothers together, taken on a day they visited graves, two families in one cemetery.

    I have had other grand/mother figures, mentors and guides in my life, for whom I am also and always grateful. Some are still with us, some are gone ahead. My mother-in-law who early on advised me that my kids would be completely different people (boy, was she ever right!) and so I was prepared to have some conflicts between the kids. My dear friend Betty who has been patient and supportive since I was very flighty 16-year old. MaryJo, a friend I knew when I was in college. Mrs. Lupher, who gave me refuge every week for a morning to watch nature programs, garden, and eat coffee ice cream. And many, many others.

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