Category: Gardens and Life

  • Grant’s senior project

    How did I manage to NOT post this in May 2014? It is rather badly overgrown now, but the patio is one of my favorite places to sit and read, or work, this time of year.

    Grant had to shift gears mid-year about his senior project. He came up with a really great idea: fix up the front yard that got trashed this last year from neglect and construction.

    Fish pond and lilacs, after weeding but before planting new annuals.
    Fish pond and lilacs, after weeding but before planting new annuals.

    He has “roped in” a couple of friends occasionally to help — Thanks Mady, Gabe, Jake and Tabitha!

    Here is the progress he has made so far, pics are a little rough, but I am trying to get caught up on blogging this weekend and no time for a lot of fine-tuning.

    I am actually going to post these in a gallery, with no commentary to save myself time and actually get this up (started it yesterday, here 24 hours later sitting down to finish…).

    I didn’t finish the post then, either. And now I cannot find where the pictures are that I took… so this will have to be enough for now.

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