Category: Gardens and Life

  • New Year 2016

    Still here, but not posting much. Here, in random order and with no attention to paragraphs, sentences or other quotidian writing tools, is a snapshot of life right now.

    Life seems to have taken hold of me in different ways, and I spent most of the summer getting small things done. Teaching two years in a row in the same school and grade meant that most of my creative energy fell into research, review and thinking of what teach and how… only to throw most of it out once we were back to school. Oh well, next year I will waste less time in the summer! Love teaching, don’t love the high stakes testing… love my students and colleagues and administrators… and wish I had more energy. The house is slowly, slowly coming together, but still far from finished. I am enjoying having two adult children, with one away (and done with college now!) and one living at home while working and saving up for his future. Tom is still the same (wonderful) and we are having fun going to concerts at Benaroya again this year. For a treat, and because it’s now only the two of us going, we have sprung for second-tier boxes this year. And it is a treat… And in the summer we will enjoy some plays in Ashland again. We are low-maintenance people most of the time, so luxuries like this are extra-special. I don’t buy many clothes, books or other accoutrements (although I am managing to collect multiple instruments again!), so this is a fruitful way to make memories and spend our time together. More again at some point…

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