Category: Gardens and Life

  • Today in the Garden

    Today we worked in the garden. I was ill yesterday, so didn’t get anything at all done.

    But today, today we got a lot done!

    The area by the little frogpond is now mostly weeded, and replanted with seven dahlias. Last weekend the area saw the lilacs pruned back (a little more today, and it opens up the space remarkably), and a few tubers I picked up at the Flower and Garden show in February. Hoping they all survived the extended “rest” and will survive the deer and slugs…

    We also finished clearing and planted the small “rock garden” area that used to be out back. Found a lot more rocks that had been covered by the dozer, and now they are set aside for re-use. The four pink and white dahlias we put out there will look lovely against the darker greens and gray-browns of the woods. Overseeded with godetia and heliotrope, a riot of color and scent for late summer mornings.

    Not much to show for the effort (yet), so no pictures, but expect an abundance of lovely blooms in July and August!

    Hardly seems possible that it is already May. I am very glad that the school year has gone so well. Next year will be easier, and I anticipate having more energy to put toward the house and yard from now on.

    Today in the garden, it was lovely.

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