Category: Gardens and Life

  • Today in the Garden

    It has been unseasonably warm, though the rain yesterday began to make up for the unseasonably dry issue. Today when I awoke, and for several hours, there was blue sky overhead. It was nearly 52 degrees outside before noon. I opened the back door wide to let in the fresh air, and heard the eagles calling to each other. The bulbs that still need planting and moving were calling to me, too.

    Two hours of work outside, and the hyacinths and irises that took refuge for almost two years in the veggie garden are ready to be replanted next weekend in the back yard. One more bed, with unknown quantities and types of bulbs, that has the mountain huckleberry and “Lois’ Rose” (gift from her widower after she died) has yet to be cleared, but we are now ready to plant veggies as soon as the soil dries a bit and I have a good soil test back.

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