Category: Giving

  • Update on Youssif

    The little Iraqi boy who is being treated for severe burns is in surgery again today. The chances are good that within a few weeks he will look more like his old self, and be able to eat more comfortably.

    The full story is at CNN. Previous posts I made about Youssif were:

    Terrible things DO happen to people. They seem to happen to innocent people as frequently as they do to people who do mean and horrible things. There is no rhyme nor reason to acts like this.

    And good things also can happen.

    When I feel badly about the state of the world, I ask myself: What can I do today — right now, even — to make the world a little better?

    I don’t have to solve all the problems of the world. But each time we consciously choose to do the right thing — to be kind, to help, to support — we do make a difference.

    I challenge everyone who reads this (yes, all three of you), to do just one small thing extra. Hug your kids one more time before they go to school, bring your office mates a small treat (fruit or veggie tray?), even just smile at the parking lot attendant on your way in or out. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money or planning. It just takes you.

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