Category: good things

  • Our first chestnut… and other updates

    Sunday, as I was walking toward the house from the garden, I decided to take a long cut through the orchard and under the large chestnut tree. On the ground, I spied a chestnut — spiky and green, stem and dried flowers still attached. When I picked it up, thinking it would be fun to share with students, it was heavier than I expected. Inside I went, and with much finger-pricking (the spikes were starting to harden, and needle-sharp!), and expressions of ouchiness, I managed to pry the segments of the husk apart. Two of the three nuts inside were shriveled and empty, as all of them have been since the tree went in. But the third! OH! We have our first, honest-to-goodness, real home-grown chestnut!

    open chestnut hull showing developed nut

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