Category: good things

  • Something Blue

    There are many things that are blue (I am blue, thinking how late I am writing this, for example).

    Blue eyes were in the news that last couple of weeks — if you have blue eyes you are definitely a cousin of every other person with blue eyes! Though possibly a thousand generations removed…

    Blue skies were overhead for me a couple times this past week. After weeks of mostly gray, cold, and often rainy or snowy weather, they sure looked pretty! Looking forward to tomorrow, when more blue skies are again predicted!

    The robe I am making for my son’s birthday in a week is blue — a pretty dark blue (just shy of navy, not quite as bright as sapphire) and a lovely light aqua. Tropical fishes swim across. It will be lovely and warm for him — once it’s done.

    My Tom favors blue jeans for daily attire, dark indigo, or faded almost to white, they are durable, comfortable and go with everything! Today, I wore my blue-jean skirt!

    And, of course, the stidkid’s bird is “Bleu!” A lovely little parakeet, he continues to bring us a good deal of joy.

    Blue can mean many things — it is so common in our language. To feel blue is be sad, melancholy. To be a blue-blood is to have high standing in society as an accident of one’s birth. To be true-blue is to be loyal, trustworthy, honest.

    And yet, blue can be elusive. The blue sky cannot be touched, a truly blue rose does not exist. Like any quality that can be named (love, hope, joy), blue is known by all, but experienced uniquely by each. When you think of blue, what is in your mind’s eye?


    or some other color?

    How blue are you?

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