Category: grad school

  • I may not be ready…

    But the office is!

    I am so happy that I managed to have not one, but TWO cleared spaces to work on. Both the workbench and the desk are now “good enough” for the moment.

    You can see from the last shot that half the office is FAR from the way I want, but in my defense… I was lazy! About half the remaining boxes contain fabrics and craft/art supplies that I am still deciding whether to keep or toss. And easily half the clutter on the card table is papers that need going through when I am not feeling vulnerable. I have a hard time discarding “mementos” when feeling nostalgic.

    So. Here for your viewing pleasure are the pics I JUST took of the office. I am so excited! I am going to school tomorrow!!!! First pic is looking through the door, the others are labeled.

    through door

    the workbench, the stack of papers on the right needs sorting, otherwise done!
    the workbench, the stack of papers on the right needs sorting, otherwise done!
    working part of the desk:  again the items on the wire shelf need final sorting, otherwise clean!
    again the items on the wire shelf need final sorting, otherwise clean!
    in the interest of full disclosure, there is actually open space in front of the window and under the card table.
    in the interest of full disclosure, there is actually open space in front of the window and under the card table.

    My last task is to figure out what to wear so I look tidy, but approachable… I am totally excited about tomorrow!

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