Category: grad school

  • Proud Mama Moments

    The elder stidkid has completed another year of high school band, as one of the junior members of the wind ensemble at his school, he was picked to perform with the symphony (strings) earlier this week in a full orchestra experience. What a treat. Then he performed again yesterday with the bands.

    His next emphasis is on getting ready for his trip to Australia that begins in a little over 5 weeks. He’s not truly jittery yet (I am) but I can tell he’s thinking about it nearly constantly. I will have him help our family friend at least a couple times a week once his school is out, just to give him some focused time elsewhere.

    Also yesterday, the younger stidkid had TWO concerts at his school, the afternoon one which I was able to attend and another in the evening that his father made. He plays the tuba in the regular band and the trombone in the jazz band. He also sings in jazz choir, which did not perform at those concerts.

    At the end of the school day, while waiting to pick him up, I heard the following announcement over the intercom: “And for student body president, for next year…. *pause for dramatic effect* STIDKID!”

    Well. the principal said his actual name… but otherwise. I nearly fainted.

    And he had written his campaign speech himself. In a field of highly qualified candidates, he stood out (not just because he was the tallest, either). I think he will do a fine job.

    So, yes. A proud mama moment.

    Oh — and I got a nice scholarship from the graduate school — $200 towards books for fall quarter. Pretty nice, eh?

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