Category: Green Living

  • Costuming and SCA Garb: 2021 and beyond

    My first attempts at medieval attire for us were initiated in July 2021, and then COMPLETELY STALLED due to circumstances beyond my control. It is now June 2022 and I am going to try again. This summer there are no classes, no trips, and no visitors planned. Sewing seasons begins NOW.

    First: DREAMS

    I have long enjoyed making and wearing clothes that reproduce the feeling of an era, but this will be my first attempt at archaeologically and historically accurate garments. Note: Due to time and energy constraints and the beginnings of arthritis in my hands I will do most of the sewing on a machine – not period “accurate” but let’s face it: if they’d had machines in 800 CE they’d have used them!

    Here are some of the inspirations

    Second: PLANS and PATTERNS

    Third: PROCESS (links to individual Project posts)

    (None yet)


    (Still waiting for thoughts…)

    If this post ends here, the project is still being worked on with no discernible progress since the last update.

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