Category: Green Living

  • Today in the Garden…

    Tom, Grant, Allison, (and I), and Wally worked to get the area by the fish pond, under the peach and through to the chestnut cleared out a bit and ready for the hammock. Also got a bit of pruning on the apple tree and ceanothus — not usually done this time of year, but they were overgrown and leaning in the wrong direction. And a few other things… the yard is FINALLY looking like someone cares, and to be honest, so is the house. Swept floors, got a start on cleaning the kitchen’s surfaces/sinks/cupboards… and stopped before anyone was too badly hurt.

    In no particular order…

    Mid-process leveling the slope to a former hole dug before we bought the land…
    Gooseberry ready for action!
    The prunings under the apple tree – we left a lot!

    Grant rejuvenating the lilac by the fishpond.
    Six tags from plants that did not survive last year, at least two of each need to be replaced…

    The space by the fishpond that was cleared today.

    And last but not least… the hammock!

    Allison enjoying the best part of yard work!

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