Category: hope

  • Vaccines, History and the Future

    I only just read this particular news item from December 1: Avoiding the Flu Shot?.

    I have made sure to get a flu shot the last two years — partly because I tend to catch every virus the kids bring home from school, and partly because I am now volunteering a LOT in the schools, so am at extra risk for catching something from somebody. Also, when I get sick, it usually lays me low for a few days so I prefer to do whatever I can to avoid getting sick. I am fortunate that our health plan includes vaccinations, but for this one I would spring for the twenty bucks if I had to.

    On the other hand, I refused the second MMR vaccination for our elder child because when the first one was given he ran a high fever and developed a measles rash. No kidding. I figure he is either immune or never will be. We can get his blood titred if necessary to figure out which it is.

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