Category: hope

  • Ready for the Start of School?

    One of the things we try to do for our children is model appropriate behavior. Another is showing and encouraging them to help others and facilitating their helping. Yesterday was a chance for them to spend time with their grandmother, to help her get her classroom ready for school — and simultaneously to help at least 25 children.

    Of course I took pictures:

    Here they are, working on collating some of the worksheets for the first week.

    the boys work on materials

    Here is Mother and one kid looking for something in the many boxes…

    trying to find a box

    In the Reading Corner:

    the cozy reading corner

    The Calendar Corner (learning to tell time and the passage of the year is important for first graders!):

    the calendar wall

    And finally a picture of me, with my my mother, just before she starts her last year of teaching. Just think! after more than 20 years she will soon be done with First Grade!

    My mother and me

    I will be helping my mother three days a week, it looks like — to help her have a good year, and to maybe give some children a slightly better start in their academic lives. Thirty-plus years ago I started my own career as a helper working with my mother in a literacy project at a local library… and now I can help again, using some of the same skills I learned way back then. I like it when a story comes around full circle!

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