Category: hope

  • Rain

    It’s raining today.

    All last week, it was hot — high 70s and low 80s — which for us is end-of-summer weather, not end-of spring!

    I am glad it is raining. The clouds do a far better job of getting ALL my plants than I can do right now. I fear I have lost a few of my plants while I was sick last week and unable to even step out the door. I hope that the marjoram (which is easily replaced) will prove to be the only real casualty.

    Yesterday, my darling Tom got up early, before the heat, and finished preparing the bed where I wanted to put my new magnolia. M dug the hole, and we got it settled in. I will take a few pics of it later, when the rain tapers off.

    And a few pics of my lovely red rose by the front door. It bloomed on my birthday, and it just gorgeous today! I love it when my plants come into their own.

    Speaking of my birthday, here is the cake my mother baked for me. I am resorting to putting on only the candles above the decade I have attained… don’t want to burn down any buildings! The kid lighting the cake is G, I am on the right, in extreme profile.

    my bday cake 2007

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