Category: housework

  • Monday – Kitchen Counter

    Today, at the end of the day, the elder stidkid and I decluttered one counter of the kitchen, washing and cleaning, and getting all the appliances on one surface, ready to use. The table was cleared off after as the large pots and such found their real homes… a little still needs to be sorted, we’ll get to it tomorrow or Wednesday.

    Here are one before picture, and two after pics.

    kitchen counter before shot, note miscellaneous everything on the one counter!
    kitchen counter before shot, note miscellaneous everything on the one counter!
    the counter alone...  clean!
    the counter alone… clean!
    stidkid and his handiwork.  not bad!
    stidkid and his handiwork. not bad!

    It took two full weeks after the end of my school quarter for me to feel fully recovered and ready to begin reading, cleaning and being creative again. I have another 7 days (exactly) before classes begin again, and am hopeful I will be able to start the second quarter with some measure of organization and comfort.

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