Category: illness

  • Chicken of Chicken Pox?

    Now, I have friends and relatives who are in the medical field… I KNOW that there are many panicky parents who don’t know what they are talking about when it comes to their children’s health. I also know that parents are often the first to pick up on something being not quite right.

    So I also wonder…

    Why, when a parent calls and says their child has chickenpox, would a doctor dismiss the parent’s opinion (and concerns) and not even want to see the child?

    And not offer any explanation for what else it could be?

    Fever of 39 (that’s 101-102 fahrenheit) for nearly a week, an itchy, blistery rash that is spread over head, scalp and torso (but not on the extremities) that resolves within a day or two to a scab. Not a lot of actual spots, but what there are, are very obvious. No other symptoms other than a slight headache the day before the spots appeared.

    This is not a typical viral rash…

    My concern is, assuming I was correct the first time he had chicken pox (it looked and acted just like this) then this is its evil twin if it isn’t chickenpox! And if it is chickenpox, does that mean my child will always catch it?

    My other reason for believing this is chickenpox is that I catch every virus the kids bring home. Every one. But not chickenpox, which I had as a child (I was very very sick with it, too)… to which I am immune. And I am not sick! After two weeks working around germy first graders, I am not ill… while my generally healthy kid is.

    So, I took some pictures, which I will print up and take with me to the doctor when our usual physician returns from a vacation next month. And we will see if we can find out if he is in fact immune to chickenpox.

    a miffed mother

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