Category: James Kim

  • People doing the Right Thing!

    Okay, this is a chance to point out good things people do:

    A man in New York saved another who had fallen onto the subway tracks.

    Two men in New York saved a pre-schooler who fell off a fourth-story fire escape. article at

    An artist sets up an online auction for the family of James Kim and is joined by others eager to help. article at

    A teenager spontaneously folds the laundry while his mother takes a nap.

    Someone buys a bit of birdseed for the middle of winter instead of a week’s worth of lattes…

    People with no children in school volunteer to help young readers, or supervise sports practice, or put in a playground.

    There are good people in this world, doing good things. In big ways and in small, we can all make a positive difference.

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