Category: James Kim

  • James Kim

    Today the body of a editor that we really appreciated was found. He leaves a wife and two young children, family, friends and probably thousands of faithful readers and viewers.

    So sad when something like this happens. His family was found alive and, though hungry and dehydrated, healthy just a couple days ago.

    But he had decided to try to walk out to find help… and didn’t make it.

    Remember, the cardinal rule when you are traveling or hiking somewhere: Always let people know your intended route and when you expect to be back.

    And when you get lost: Stop. Stay where you are. Help is on the way.

    Though they will never read this, I hope his family will be comforted by the love he had for them, and I hope that the way he lived his life will inspire others to be open-hearted, hard working and honest.

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