Category: Kid Activities

  • School Projects are Fun!

    Here are a couple pictures from G’s presentations Wednesday Evening. If you click on one, it will send you to the Picasa Album and you can scroll through all of them there. Then use your back button to return here.

    About half the class showed up (most in costume) to present their work on a specific person from the American Revolution. G was Gilbert Motier, the Marquis de LaFayette.

    This is the Marquis, with his dear friend, George Washington:

    And presenting his life story to my relations (Tom, my mother, and M close to the camera):

    From the rear (this shows how long the coat was — it fit perfectly for a few days!):

    And up close, with his motto and a picture painted when he was in his 20s in the background:

    He really threw himself into this effort, learned a lot, and (most importantly) had fun.

    I had fun, too. We have been practicing bits of French, and talking about the battlefields and the personalities involved in the revolution.

    History is FUN!

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