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  • Garden Pics

    I actually took these a couple days ago, but only just found the cables I needed to connect the camera (story of my life). Here, for your enjoyment, a few of the pics from the garden this last week.

    Roses by the front door (lovely, but no scent):

    A small magnolia between the old-fashioned tea roses:

    California lilac (the flowers are like little bottle brushes, and the bees are constantly buzzing around when it’s in bloom):

    The newest garden bed:

    I hope to get the newest arbor in place and take a picture this weekend. It’s a little big, so I can’t move it by myself, and I need to try it in a couple different locations before we actually set it. I would love to get more structures in the garden this year. I have a pile of whips to make into a woven fence around the front garden, and someday… a few benches and swings.

    Always a plan for the next project.

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