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  • Future-thinking

    This poem by Eleanor Farjeon beautifully expresses how I feel. Sure, I could spend more energy trying to get it all done…. but that would leave no time for dreaming.

    There Isn’t Time

    There isn’t time, there isn’t time
    To do the things I want to do,
    With all the mountain-tops to climb,
    And all the woods to wander through,
    And all the seas to sail upon,
    And everywhere there is to go,
    And all the people, every one
    Who lives upon the earth, to know.
    There’s only time, there’s only time
    To know a few, and do a few,
    And then sit down and make a rhyme
    About the rest I want to do.

    Eleanor Farjeon was an interesting person, who wrote many interesting things. Check out her entry at Wikipedia or google her name.

    …for some more nice children’s (and adults’) poems with some period illustrations, check out

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