Category: musings

  • Life in (my) Pacific Northwest

    Well, it’s another Frantic Friday. Not so frantic yet, but this afternoon I need to pick up one kid so he has time at home after school before a concert this evening. The other kid gets picked up an hour later because he has a club meeting after school. I think dinner will be catch-as-catch-can because only two of us will be home at a time until pretty late. And I need to go out soon to do some shopping…

    I spent the morning working on another silk scarf — my third in two days. It’s going to look good, I think. This one is for a microbiologist friend. The other two were one for my mother (a heart scarf for Valentine’s) and one for me (clovers for St. Patrick’s day next month). I am building up to making some for sale again. These practice scarves have let me remember and experiment a bit before I try to do something predictable.

    Here’s a quick pic of the two I made last week for a charity auction:

    two scarves

    Next week, Mother and I are expecting our babble-friend Jillibus for a visit, so this weekend is going to be our spring-cleaning so we can enjoy next weekend.

    Of course, it’s raining off and on, so any cleaning we do will only “stick” on surfaces above the floors. The dogs will track in mud and such no matter how hard we try to wipe them down. And I can’t do much in the yard until things get dryer — but I may be able to get the containers and tools put away until it’s time to use them again.

    Still, as I look around, the only “problem spots” at the moment are the folding table in the office, still waiting to be cleared and the dining room which is our defacto storage space for boxes and items waiting for another home. The boys’ rooms are… appropriate to their ages and interests.

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