Category: NaPoWriMo

  • NaPoWriMo Eleventh Post

    All day long, on my feet
    watchful, alert
    working and guiding and caring

    a moment of inattention
    and all is lost

    More NaPoWriMo.

    Posting here because the social media platform I usually use is not cooperating!

    Wally ran away again. My fault. I was distracted while getting ready to take him out and opened the door before the clasp was fully closed on his collar. He’ll either come back or he won’t, but it is too dark to look for him and no way to entice him home without also encouraging wild predators to come to the house. We really need that enclosure finished… meantime I will have to try to calm down enough to get some sleep tonight since I don’t have the luxury of sleeping in or calling in sick for a lost dog.

    update posted on April 13: He returned, about two hours after he fled…

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