Category: NaPoWriMo

  • NaPoWriMo Second Post

    in school
    we were taught
    to say but not to follow
    the golden rule

    we learned
    clear speech and calculations
    invented histories
    concise writing and
    we yearned

    for connection
    between textbooks
    our lives in boxes
    but always looking
    outward, forward, ahead

    the land
    sea, air, forests
    dying slowly or quickly
    taking a stand

    for justice
    for meaning in a life
    once started
    should be lived
    with care

    we studied not
    the golden rule
    but the laws of supply
    and demand
    of grasp and take

    the land
    sea, air, forests
    dying slowly or quickly
    taking a stand

    in school
    we were taught
    to say but not to follow
    the golden rule

    [for more poetry, check out the NaPoWriMo website with links to thousands of participants! This link opens a new tab in your brower.]

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