Category: NaPoWriMo

  • April. National Poetry Month. What did I forget?

    I forgot that it was APRIL, in my excitement that it was my Spring Break!

    So, a quick link to the National Poetry Writing Month webiste. I encourage you to explore other poets’ work this month, too. The participants’ list has many talented and clever writers (and a few at my own level).

    I will write two poems a day until I catch up…

    Poem #1

    They say
    forgetfulness is a symptom of old age
    and in this year of my aging
    I am forgetful
    at times
    and at other times
    I remember.

    Poem #2

    chartreuse chandeliers
    golden goblets
    pink pom-poms
    ruby-throated ringmasters
    delightful dance

    (the hummingbirds circle maples, daffodils and cherry blossoms)

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