Category: NaPoWriMo

  • NaPoWriMo 2015.30

    The end is in sight
    by dark of night
    a lone poet sits
    to write.

    A bit of doggerel
    rhymes with mackerel
    a poet dreams of
    bits of shell.

    A silly little rhyme
    lacking meter or time
    the poet muses, “Not

    This was the last day for National Poetry Writing Month.

    I wrote the equivalent of one poem a day, but as so often in my life I found I had to adjust my expectations. I wrote more some days, and not at all on others. Learning to be more moderate and realistic, letting go. I don’t like that I cannot go all out every day, but I do like being able to relax a bit and sit without having to be “productive” every moment.

    I hope you will visit some of the sites of other poets who took part this year. There is a list at Enjoy!

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