Category: NaPoWriMo

  • NaPoWriMo 2015.27

    It’s down to the wire
    and down for the count
    ice pack on offended parts
    and pride hitting the showers
    — early.

    Sometimes the only choice
    is standing up again
    staying in the ring
    and making it through to the bell.

    —By way of explanation, I twisted my ankle and went down in front of my students on Monday (not a true workplace injury, but an artifact of bad body mechanics). So this post comes late… Pride was hurt, and the ankle isn’t happy, but life goes on. And learning never ends. Perhaps the lesson my students needed wasn’t the best way to calculate sums, but the best way to get hurt and not pitch a fit. Asking for help from the students (carry this, ask the nurse for an ice pack) and from my colleagues (walking my students to the bus with theirs at the end of the day…) was a life lesson the kids can take with them, I think. I kept doing my job while letting other help me. Crutches, a bandage, and I am back in the game today!

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