Category: NaPoWriMo

  • Poem a Day April 19, 2012

    black smoker

    In the dark, sullen depths
    of the ocean, the sea
    where life shouldn’t exist
    it does: we can see

    in the thick black water
    slow moving denizens
    walking, swimming, easing
    into form and life again

    what I breathe
    poison to them would be
    what feeds their bodies
    my mind does not perceive

    yet despite all odds
    there they grow
    and to visit and learn
    we will go

    Black smokers were discovered — or at least first widely publicized only in my childrens’ generation. The idea of “life” and what constitutes life, and where it can be found, and how adaptable it really is has been rethought more than once in my lifetime.

    Life: beautiful, diverse, surprising and ever-changing.

    And found, in the most unexpected places!

    For more information, here are a few sites that look reliable and accessible.

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