Category: NaPoWriMo

  • Poem a Day April 17, 2012

    mhos (borrowed from Sue’s babble profile)

    I am the gatekeeper
          I let you through
    and send you on your way
    depending on my mood
          and the state of the road
    I may let you go quickly
    or slowly
          but you will
                get through

    Sue’s definition – units of conductivity (the inverse of resistance).

    I didn’t go further on this one in research. I know that conductivity is about how a current flows through a substance – so am assuming it’s usually about electrons. What struck me was the idea that one could (or would) measure how easily something occurred. I was much more used to measuring how slowly or what amount of force it took to make something happen. This is an interesting thought.

    I wonder if, instead of checking children who are struggling in school for their particular “resistence” (ohms or in this case learning disabilities) we could check children for their particular “conductivities” (mhos or learning preferences) and then help them follow those paths to success.

    And late-breaking news… I just figured out how the community of physicists came up with the name “mhos.” I am a slow thinker, but I get there eventually!

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