Category: pirates

  • Avast! Klutz does it again!

    I am a big fan of the Klutz books for kids and adults. Not just about juggling now, they have branched out to other activities. From string figures and knot-tying to activity sets, they seem to have a knack for the things that make kids happy to think.

    The latest cool Klutz books we have seen are their “building cards” sets. My mother purchased one for each of our kids for a summertime quiet activity. The younger got the one for pirate ships, and we just finished putting it together. Here are some pics of him, thoroughly engaged on a warm summer afternoon.

    Klutz activity book pic

    Klutz activity book pic

    Klutz activity book pic

    Klutz activity book pic

    As you can see, he is completely interested, engaged and HAPPY! (insert proud mama smile here) A video of happy kid is also available on the page I keep for all things piratical… Pirate Ship in Action.

    I highly recommend Klutz products. Well thought-out, very fun. The ISBN for this kit is 1-57054-228-7.

    Last but not least, every pirate needs his dog. Here’s our Scally-Wag!

    One Lucky Dog!

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